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Embodied Writing newsletter.

A mind-body approach to actualize your creative goals, connect to your inner magic, and step confidently into the literary spotlight. 

It’s time to identify as the writer you are!

Over the years, I have seen writers face many of the same battles, from fear of being seen and doubting their abilities, to struggling to get words on the page. I am on an ever-learning quest to find the keys to these blocks. If you have ever thought “I don’t have enough time,” “I am not good enough to be a writer,” “Why would anyone listen to me?” or any other number of reasons why you should put the pen down or not even pick it up, then this blog is for you. Here I explore ways to unlock more time, energy, consistency, courage, self-compassion, confidence, inspiration, self-love, clarity and intention, and more within the creative process. I will also share musing from my monthly reading club, Book Therapy where we will read and reflect on books that help with the inner journey of being a writer. Lastly, you'll discover new ways to Ignite Your Spark through nature, travel, and your surrounding world, so that you always have a well of inspiration.

Make yourself a warm drink, grab your journal, find a cozy chair and get ready to become an embodied writer

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